Completely offline C++ based solution kit to extend existing product with E-Mobility features. We are providing
mapping, routing and navigation solutions with more than 15 years of E-Bike navigation software experience.
Detailed customizable maps, including large list of POIs, optimal route detection, precise turn-by-turn
navigation, and much more.
bool | GTSDKInitEngine (const wchar_t* uniqueID, const
wchar_t* sdkKey, const wchar_t* dataPath) |
| Inits the map engine. This function has to be called first. |
int | GTSDKUpdateMap (const unsigned char
*buffer, int bufferSize, int pixelFormat, int width, int height) |
| Draws the map to the buffer. It runs only max 50 millisecond at a time. If the draw is
not finished it continues next time. Using this behavior it can run in onDraw function, and if returns true
you can call postInvalidate() function to continue drawing next time. |
int | GTSDKZoomMap (double factor) |
| Zooms the map with a factor. |
int | GTSDKZoomMapToScreenPosition (double
factor, double x, double y) |
| Zooms the map with a factor, taking zooming focus the x,y screen coordinates. |
void | GTSDKMoveMap (double xOffset, double
yOffset) |
| Pans the map. |
bool | GTSDKStartRoutePlan (double
latStart, double lonStart, double latEnd, double lonEnd, int vehicleType, int routeplanMode, int
majorRoadWeight, int unpavedRoadWeight, int cycleRoadWeight, int ferriesWeight, bool
useOnewayStreetsBothDirections, int bearing) |
| Sets up route planner with given parameters. |
void | GTSDKScreenToMap (double x, double
y, double &lat, double &lon) |
| Converts screen coordinate to geo position. |
void | GTSDKMapToScreen (double lat, double
lon, double &x, double &y) |
| Converts geo position to screen coordinate. |
bool | GTSDKUpdateRoutePlan (int timeOut,
double &progress, int &routeId) |
| Runs route planning for a given milliseconds. |
int | GTSDKAddressSearchGetCountryCount ()
| Returns the number of countries for address search. |
wchar_t* | GTSDKAddressSearchGetCountryName
(int idx) |
| Returns the name of the country. |
void | GTSDKAddressSearchSelectCountry
(const wchar_t* name) |
| Selects a country for further searching. |
wchar_t* | GTSDKAddressSearchFilterCity (const
wchar_t* filter, int &count) |
| Filters the results of cities. |
int | GTSDKAddressSearchGetCityCount
(const wchar_t* filter) |
| Prepares a result list of cities matching the filter. |
wchar_t* | GTSDKAddressSearchGetCityName (int
idx) |
| Returns a city name in the result list. |
void | GTSDKAddressSearchSelectCity (const
wchar_t* name) |
| Selects a city for further searching. |
wchar_t* | GTSDKAddressSearchFilterStreet
(const wchar_t* filter, int &count) |
| Filters the results of streets. |
int | GTSDKAddressSearchGetStreetCount
(const wchar_t* filter) |
| Prepares a result list of streets matching the filter. |
wchar_t* | GTSDKAddressSearchGetStreetName (int
idx) |
| Returns a city name in the result list. |
void | GTSDKAddressSearchSelectStreet
(const wchar_t* name) |
| Selects a street for further searching. |
int | GTSDKAddressSearchGetHouseNumberCount
() |
| Returns the housenumber count of selected street. |
wchar_t* | GTSDKAddressSearchGetHouseNumber
(int houseNumberIdx) |
| Returns a house number. |
bool | GTSDKAddressSearchGetLatLonForHouseNumberIdx
(int houseNumberIdx, double &lat, double &lon) |
| Returns the coordinate of selected house number. |
wchar_t* | GTSDKPOISearch (double lat, double
lon, const wchar_t* filter, int typeFilter, int &poiCount) |
| Search POIs near to given coordinate. |
wchar_t* | GTSDKGetPOINameByIdx (int idx) |
| Returns a POI name in the result list. |
wchar_t* | GTSDKGetPOIDetailsByIdx (int idx,
int &type, double &lat, double &lon) |
| Returns details of a POI. |
bool | GTSDKHasEngineNotification () |
| Query the engine if there is a notification. |
void | GTSDKGetEngineNotification (int
¬ificationType, int ¬ificationInfo) |
| Gets the top engine notification. |
double | GTSDKStartNavigation (int routeId,
int red, int green, int blue, int redOutline, int greenOutline, int blueOutline, int redOutlineBorder, int
greenOutlineBorder, int blueOutlineBorder) |
| Starts the navigation. |
void | GTSDKStopNavigation () |
| Stops the navigation. |
wchar_t* | GTSDKGetTurnInfo () |
| Returns the info of the next turn in XML format. |
void | GTSDKUpdateGPSData (float direction,
double lat, double lon, float alt, float speed, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int
second) |
| updates engine with a new gps position and data |
void | GTSDKSetFollowMode (bool followMode)
| Sets the follow mode to track the gps cursor. |
void | GTSDKAddRouteToMap (int routeId, int
red, int green, int blue, int redOutline, int greenOutline, int blueOutline, int redOutlineBorder, int
greenOutlineBorder, int blueOutlineBorder) |
| Adds a route to the map to display. |
void | GTSDKRemoveRouteFromMap (int
routeId) |
| Removes a route from the map. |
void | GTSDKDeleteRoute (int routeId) |
| Deletes a route. |
void | GTSDKSetMapColor (int type, int red,
int green, int blue, int redOutline, int greenOutline, int blueOutline) |
| Sets the color of a map feature. |
void | GTSDKInitEBike (int vendorId, int
bikeId, double batteryCapacity, double batteryVoltage, double bikeWeight, int minAssistLevel, int
maxAssistLevel, int currentAssistLevel, double currentBatteryLevel) |
| Inits E-Bike data. |
void | GTSDKUpdateEBikeData (int type,
double value) |
| Update E-Bike actual data. |
void | GTSDKDisplayRangeOnMap (bool
display, int red1, int green1, int blue1, int red2, int green2, int blue2, int red3, int green3, int blue3,
int redOutline, int greenOutline, int blueOutline) |
| Display range patch on map range stripes ( 50-75%, 75-90%, 90-100% ) |
void | GTSDKSetRangeCenter (double lat,
double lon) |
| Sets the range dislpay center to a map position, and recalculates it. |
void | GTSDKSetMapCenter (double lat,
double lon) |
| Sets the map center to a position. |
void | GTSDKSetZoomLevel (double zoomLevel)
| Sets the actual zoom level ( levels are from 1 to 15 ) |
double | GTSDKGetZoomLevel () |
| Gets the actual zoom level ( levels are from 1 to 15 ) |