About us

Mobility platform built by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs.

Stay informed with the latest news and updates from our company. Discover our advancements in eMobility solutions and see how we are shaping the future of electric travel. Join us on our journey to innovation and excellence.

49.5+ Country

Happy riders

1M+ App

Global downloads

1M km

Travelled Distance

0.5M km

Planned Route


Leadership team

We’re a cross-disciplinary team that loves to create great experiences for our customers.

Gábor Tárnok

CEO - Founder

A visionary who launched this incredible journey as a one-man show

Andrea Barbagallo


Master of all the knowledge on integrating third-party components and mastering every protocol

József Horváth


An EV Navigation enthusiast and developer, he is living his dream job

Bence Pomezanski


The heart of GPS Tuner and the ultimate problem solver

Mátyás Kurta

Key Account Manager

You know him - He's everywhere and always ready to talk


Our Mission to revolutionize smart mobility by providing innovative, reliable, and user-friendly navigation solutions for bicycles, eBikes, eScooters, LEVs, and EVs, ensuring every journey is safe, efficient, and enjoyable.

Approach & Benefits

Elevate your ride with our expert team

Experience the difference with our dedicated eBike application creators. From initial ideation to seamless execution, we're here to power your ride with reliability and innovation.


Specializing in eMobility, our solutions offer cutting-edge navigation and efficient route planning for all users.

Custom solutions

We provide white label applications tailored for virtually any platform, meeting diverse and unique needs.

Global reach

Used by over 1M users worldwide since 2003, our apps are trusted across the globe for reliable navigation.


eMobility software partner since 2003

GPS Tuner provides full-scale software and connectivity solutions for eMobility OEMs since 2003. Be it an eBike or an electric scooter, or even an electric car, our small footprint and cost-effective connectivity adapter paired with our white label application and robust back-end gives a true connected IoT experience to the customers.

See why more than 50 companies trust us!

Contact us to discuss your project.